About TryJesus.com

TryJesus.com exists to help people searching for purpose and meaning in life to find real answers. If you are visiting because you are curious about Jesus and Christianity, then we want you to find out what we have discovered...that Jesus loves you! He has a plan and a purpose for you, and because He died for you on the cross, you can have a brand new life!

We invite you to read life stories from people just like you, to browse churches in your area that can help you find lasting answers, and to find out more about what Jesus has done for you!

About theChristian Web Network

TryJesus.com is owned and operated by the Christian Web Network. We are dedicated to providing quality Christian websites and media for today's generations.

The Christian Web Network has several other websites currently in development:

Christian.org (Coming Soon) -If you are a Christian, what do you use as your home page on the web? Christian.org will be a new home on-line for Christians, including Bible devotionals, articles from Christian leaders, and more.

ChristianCollege.com - Find Christian colleges and Bible schools.

ChristianSponsor.com - Sponsor a child in need.

Contact Information

Christian Web Network